Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chatty lil Boy!

Gage has definitley found his voice and loves to chat! Here's a small clip of him in action...

All smiles....all the time!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Grant and Kristi come to visit....

Grant and Kristi came to meet Gage and hang out for the weekend. Gage loved the attention and showed them how well he can sleep.....allll dayyyyy long! Anyway, we had a lot of fun and Gage got to go on his first of many shopping trips with Kristi and I. They also helped us hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters in the neighborhood. It was a great weekend and Gage's misses them already!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Gage dressed up as a little pumpkin for his first Halloween. We went to a friends house for a lunch time party and then he decided to sleep the rest of the day and night(well fight his sleep long enough to finally sleep). So needless to say we didn't get many pictures with him in costume...but enough to get the point!

Our family friend, Linda LaGrange, gave Gage this costume just a week after he was born! She then passed away a few weeks in memory of's Gage in his Pumpkin suit!