Friday, March 21, 2008

Ultrasound Pics

My friend is a labor and delivery nurse and called yesterday while she was slow. We went in and got to play around and see the baby moving all over the place. It(no sex determined) was very jumpy. Literallly, bending its knee's and jumping. Let's hope that jumping stops before he/she is too big! :) Also, the baby has 5 fingers on each hand. :)

I have another appt next week and might get more pics then.

Until then....

New Baby Pics!

Right Hand!

Profile with its knuckles!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Well here we are. I'm 13 weeks pregnant and we are SO excited. We found out January 3rd(Ish's bday) and haven't quite come down yet. It's all very surreal and we are now counting the days until we find out if its a mini-Me or mini-Fletcher.

When I first started thinking about a blog I didn't think I would have much to say. Then I thought again. First idea that came to mind was this....

Yesterday while visiting with Debbie at work I started to laugh pretty hard. It became very clear that my belly now moves with my every move. I felt like I had morphed into Santa Claus.

So to answer you questions---yep! I'm starting to show! And I don't see the growth slowing anytime soon!